uBICo Retreat 2025

Hotel Bellevue-Terminus in Engelberg from 3-4 November 2025.

the uBICo Retreat, originally planned for March 2025, has been postponed and will now take place  in November.

Research group leaders, PIs and young researchers from the uBICo research groups are all encouraged to attend. REgistration will be reopened in due course and as spaces at the retreat are limited so those wishing to attend are encouraged to register early. Initial priority will be given to research group leaders plus 2 other group members from their group, to give the opportunity to as many groups as possible to attend.

This retreat an important networking event for immunology researchers in Basel who are spread out over a number of institutions and locations and may not otherwise have many opportunities to meet with their fellow researchers. The goal of the retreat is to foster both interdepartmental and inter institutional level collaboration - oral and poster presentations allows those participating to gain new insights into their research.